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The StoryBinder Method™

Connection doesn't happen on its own.  We believe it happens when people are connected to Jesus first and then to each other.

Order matters.

It's not about doing; it's about connecting.

This is a one-of-a-kind journey experiencing Jesus and others in a whole new way!

If you're interested in learning more, please email today!  

The Physiological Experience

When Jesus came, He brought the Kingdom; the Kingdom is now and coming. When Christ returns, the physical and spiritual will be alive and connected to how they were created to be, just like in Eden. Christians have forgotten this and don't know how or even what the Kingdom of God looks like on earth.


We believe there is a physiological aspect to the Kingdom, and it's about relationships with others. We take God's word that it is not good for man to be alone seriously and literally. We have developed a program that takes you through your story physiologically, connecting you to others on a deeper level - the way God meant it to be.


This journey is a multi-experience adventure with a trained mental health faith-based professional, walking you through steps to know Jesus, know others, and experience both in a whole new way. 


The Spiritual Experience

Sometimes, even as Christians, we think of our spiritual lives as something separate from the rest of us. Living out our faith should be about who we are in totality and not only what we do.


We believe the best way to live out who we are and how we are meant to be is to have a personal experience with Jesus every day. 


This program helps you move from a head knowledge of Jesus to a heart experience with Jesus, combining the science of counseling and the principles of Scripture for a unique and powerful experience!

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